


There is a famous saying that: You are what you eat. What if I told you there is a way to eat in such a way that it is not only great for you but also the environment. The answer is to go VEGAN! Yes, you got us right! Rely on the greens and ditch that meat to save the planet earth. It might sound like a far-fetched idea. But, it is totally possible. It is normal to have doubts when you begin your journey towards veganism. No need to worry about that because team Desiwoof is here to attend to all your queries. So, here is a set of the most frequently asked questions to make this journey easier for you!

What is the difference between being vegetarian and vegan?

We often come across people who think being a vegetarian is the same as being a vegan. But as a matter of fact, there is a huge difference between a vegan and a vegetarian. Vegetarians abstain from consuming meat. But they do rely on animal-derived resources like honey, milk, and more along with plant resources. On the other hand, veganism is an upgraded form of vegetarianism where you have to give up on all forms of animal-derived products. 

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Is being a vegan person easy in India? 

 India has a substantial vegetarian population. About 20-33 percent of Indians are vegetarians. Vegetarian cuisine offers a great variety as compared to other countries. But, the problem is as much as Indians love their veggies, they love their dairy the same. India is the largest producer of milk in the world today, accounting for one-fifth of global production. Dairy is engrained in the Indian diet, from an everyday dose of ghee, yogurt, and butter to extravagant sweets during the festivities. But, if you look closely, the vital part of an Indian diet constitutes pulses, whole wheat roti, and vegetables. Dairy products like ghee and butter are used to enhance the flavors with yogurt, buttermilk, or any other sweet on the sides that can be avoided or replaced without much harm.

Are there any vegetarian alternatives for dairy? Is veganism expensive in India?

There are many vegan alternatives for dairy products available in the market, especially in metro cities. If you don’t want to spend money on these alternatives, you can just create your homemade replacements. It takes a little extra time and doesn’t have any added preservatives. People use cashew milk, almond milk, soy milk as a replacement for regular milk. Cottage cheese, popularly known as paneer in India can be replaced by soy-based tofu. Instead of topping your roti with ghee, you can go for vegan butter that is readily available in supermarkets. I found some great plant-based butter in the supermarket that was cheaper than the dairy ones. Also, it is not always about finding alternatives or replicating the same taste. You can experiment with new flavors and get surprising results. The costs of a meat-based diet are higher. Whereas, The key part of your diet (pulses, veggies, roti bread) will cost the same as a vegetarian in India. Overall, being a vegan in India is far less expensive than the western countries.

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Is transitioning to a vegan-based diet hard? 

It may feel awkward to say no to a sweet delight on a birthday or a special occasion. But, every individual has their own lifestyle choices. If you explain patiently, people tend to understand. There is a great sense of awareness spreading regarding veganism in the country. Also, with the rise of social media. Today, there are various communities and blogs to help people through their journey. There are various groups on social media platforms where people address each other’s doubts and make the transition easier. There are tons of great home cooks and chefs depicting their tongue-smacking recipes on the internet. Delicious pasta to decedent brownies you can have it all! 

Is veganism gaining popularity in India? 

 Vegan alternatives for dairy to the high-end vegan restaurants in the metro cities, the plant-based market is gaining momentum in India. The youth of the nation is resonating with the movement and spreading awareness about the same through social media platforms and meets. Today, various celebrities in the country are endorsing veganism. From an actor like Aamir Khan to an athlete like Virat Kohli, they talk greatly about how a vegan diet makes them feel happier, healthier, and more fulfilled. There are tons of vloggers on the internet sharing their journey depicting all the ups and downs. But, in the end, it’s just pure satisfaction and bliss.

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Why should you turn vegan? Is veganism worth it?

With the rising demands of dairy in the country, the treatment of cows is getting worse beyond our imagination. From artificial insemination to forceful drug abuse, the humble animal has seen it all. The unhygienic living conditions and poor diet is just the cherry on the top of it. So, how to put an end to this cruel cycle? The answer is to go vegan! 

Going vegan can help you save 200 animals per year and help the environment by controlling pollution. Moreover, the health benefits of going vegan are immense. Many people go vegan to manage heart conditions, cholesterol, and diabetes. With a little effort from your side, you can change the world and yourself for the better!

If you have any more queries, drop your questions in the comment section. Our team replies to all the comments at the earliest. We would love to help you out!

Vanshika is a writer hailing from Bhilai, Chhattisgarh. She is currently pursuing B.tech from the NIT, Raipur. Her favorite pastime is to watch and analyze documentaries. She believes that with an empathetic approach all life forms can co-exist peacefully in this world.

Editors Note: This blog is solely for informational purposes, and nothing expressed in this article should be accepted without proper verification and expert advice. It is being advised to the readers that they should exercise caution when performing the preceding actions because the information provided may not always be relevant in all cases.