
Key to a Community Dog’s Heart!

Key to a Community Dog’s Heart!

Today, India is the home to about 30 million community dogs living on the streets. These dogs are abandoned and helpless, fighting relentlessly in a harsh environment just to make it through the day. The innocent canines are often given ill-treatment and looked down upon. They usually feed themselves on whatever food is thrown out by the people on the streets or starve themselves to sleep. Streets do not provide the safest environment for the dogs in our community. The large crowds, heavy traffic is just the cherry on the top. They often get injured by a vehicle or get thrashed by merciless people roaming freely. To summarize it all: NO FOOD, NO SHELTER, AND NO SAFETY. Have you ever taken a minute out of your busy lives, sat down, and thought about all the hardships a poor dog on the street has to face to survive with no external help whatsoever? 

Our streeties are strong and brave-hearted. Mostly, people have this perception that dogs on the streets are wild and dangerous. That’s absolutely a myth. They are fearful and protective. But, a little love and help from your side can bring out the best in them. Just like us, all their heart needs is love and compassion. All their lives that is all they search for in the darkest and dampest corners of the streets. And one little step from your side can brighten up their day beyond your imagination!

Today, Team DESIWOOF is here to demolish all the stigmas and with tips to help you pet our glorious canines living on the streets. Make sure you go through the following steps and suggestions thoroughly to win a streety’s heart :

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1) Get their attention calmly : 

The key to approaching a canine on the street is calmness. You should be radiating positivity and warmth. So, gently press your tongue against your teeth and approach them slowly. Also, make sure your footsteps aren’t too loud. 

2) Don’t make eye contact : 

Try to avoid making eye contact with them. If you look right into the dog’s eyes, it can be misinterpreted as a sign of aggression. They may show hostile behavior in such conditions in order to protect themselves. Hence, always look sideways to avoid any conflicts. 

3) Don’t Shout : 

NEVER shout out in front of a community dog. They may get startled and look at you as a threat. You may give them names and address them in a soft, calming voice.

4) Analyse body language : 

You can tell a lot about a person by their body language. And, the same applies to dogs. If a dog is showing any signs of aggression like growling. Do not approach and try for another day.

5) Consider Crouching : 

You can consider crouching to their level. It is considered as a warm and friendly gesture. But, make sure to not kneel with both your knees on the ground because sometimes there are situations where you have to fall back instantly. 

6) Give them time : 

Approach with your hand out. Give the dog the time to decide and get familiar with you. If the dog wants to interact with you, it will come closer to you and sniff you calmly. Then, you can go ahead with petting.

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7) Do not approach a pack as a beginner : 

If you are new to this, I suggest you try and approach one dog at a time. Approaching a pack as a beginner can be difficult. Each dog has their own set of patterns and behaviors. Even if one of them senses any dangers, the whole pack will turn against you. 

8) PET THEM : 

Do not pet a dog from the backside. If it is not familiar to you, they may feel scared. Start petting from its head such that your hand is visible to them. It assures them that they are in safe hands.

9) Look for signs for Rabies : 

Never approach a rabid dog. A rabid dog is often more anxious and restless. They have a paralyzed jaw. A lot of foam gets collected at the mouth. Make sure you observe the above symptoms carefully.  


10) Feed Them : 

Food is the key to a community dog’s heart. These poor dogs struggle every day to get something edible to feed on. If you feed them well. They will instantly feel affection from your side and consider you as a friend.

Never be afraid to try. If you never try, you’ll never know! They are constantly facing hardships and fighting to survive every day. Just like us, they would love to have a supportive friend by their side! 

If you have any more queries, you can ask them in the comment section. We would love to help you! Also, if you have any of your own heart-warming stories or experiences with community dogs on the street, please share them with us!

Vanshika is a writer hailing from Bhilai, Chhattisgarh. She is currently pursuing B.tech from the NIT, Raipur. Her favorite pastime is to watch and analyze documentaries. She believes that with an empathetic approach all life forms can co-exist peacefully in this world.

Editors Note: This blog is solely for informational purposes, and nothing expressed in this article should be accepted without proper verification and expert advice. It is being advised to the readers that they should exercise caution when performing the preceding actions because the information provided may not always be relevant in all cases.