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Our homes becomes more secure with pets, especially dogs who are meant to be the best guards for their natural alertness and instinctive reaction. But what about home for dogs themselves? Well, our new shelter is ready where we would be treating injured animals who are not in a state to guard themselves at present. We need CCTV camera and fencing wires so that the shelter is well protected and monitored 24/7 all year long! Kindly donate so that we can make sure our patients are safe and secure. Thank you!
Donate without concern and hassle!
Your contribution is secure through the desiwoof platform. When you support our partner organization from desiwoof platform, We monitor and verify the utilization of all funds provided. Desiwoof platform strives to induce transparency in Animal welfare and rescue missions.
At present, the Desiwoof platform is in the test phase. We welcome your suggestions and feedback. You can write to us at
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